Oshkosh Express Laundry Gets Ozone

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center Sanitizes Every Laundry Load

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, in Oshkosh, Wis., recently invested in San-O3-wash ozone technology to ensure every customer enjoys the benefits of sanitized, cleaner and fresher laundry without the use of harsh chemicals. Now all Express Laundry Center washers feature environmentally friendly ozone and sanitization as part of their cold water rinses.

What is ozone? Ozone (O3) is a gas that works by breaking down organic materials like soils, bacteria, molds and grease. Once broken down, these materials are easily removed from fabric by detergent in the wash cycle. “No other laundries in our area offer ozone sanitization and we are proud to bring its benefits to our customers,” said Kristi Williams, Express Laundry Center manager. “The result is customer safety and peace-of-mind.”

Other recent Express Laundry Center upgrades include the installation of Continental Girbau Genius Washers in double-load to 8-load capacities and the addition of a children’s Read, Play & Learn space.

The new Genius Washers feature the largest 10-inch touchscreen user interface available on the market and more wash options than ever before, according to Williams. This allows customers to customize their wash cycles to fit their needs. Additionally, the washers generate sustained extract speeds up to 450 G-force for shorter dry times – allowing customers to complete laundry in less than 60 minutes – and feature corner status lights that illuminate in different colors depending on load status.

Bringing learning and reading to the local laundry, Express Laundry Center’s Read, Play & Learn space is a child-friendly and comfortable learning area that promotes school readiness and offers a free book to customers. The Read, Play & Learn space was born from collaborative efforts of LaundryCares Foundation and Too Small to Fail, who joined forces to create the Laundry Literacy Coalition, focused on supporting early language development in young children. “We encourage all the children who come into the laundry to pick out a book to take home with them,” said Williams. “As a local laundry, we want to do what we can to improve childhood literacy in our area.”

Rounding out the Express Laundry Center’s offerings are free Wi-Fi, full-service wash/dry/fold, a convenient drive-up door, and big-screen televisions, all complemented by comfortable lounge spaces. Coming soon, we’re excited to introduce charging work counters designed for those who want to work comfortably while their devices charge. These dedicated spaces will feature power outlets, allowing visitors to stay productive while also doing their laundry — and without the need to worry about battery life.

Free Laundry & Early Literacy Day

Express Laundry Gives Back with Free Laundry & Early Literacy Day

Oshkosh, Wis. – Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, in Oshkosh, Wis., recently held a Free Laundry & Early Literacy Day for the community. The event, Thursday, June 11, included free laundry services, lunch, engaging early literacy activities for children and adults, as well as food, drawings and raffles. During the community event, a dedicated team of volunteers achieved remarkable results:

  • 50 volunteers served 88 families
  • Completed more than 8,200 pounds of laundry
  • Gave away more than 200 booksRelive the Day Here or Experience the Day Virtually

Relive the Day Here

Giving Back to the Community

The Free Laundry & Early Literacy Day, which was co-sponsored by the LaundryCares Foundation, Girbau North America and Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, focused on bringing reading and learning to a place where children and caregivers gather regularly – Express Laundry Center. Simultaneously, the Express Laundry Center staff and volunteers greeted families, helped them do their laundry at no charge, and offered them free books, lunch, activities and prizes.

Throughout the afternoon, children participated in reading and learning activities with help from community partners including the Oshkosh Public Library, Winnebago County Literacy Council and the Oshkosh Area Community Pantry. The LaundryCares Foundation also provided attendees with access to a free digital library through Book Smart-World Reader, a reading initiative that gives families access to children’s books with matching corresponding activities right from their family’s phone.

Collaborating for Success

The day included an Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting of the Express Laundry Center and a LaundryCares ribbon cutting for the laundry’s Read, Play & Learn space. The Express Laundry Center’s Read, Play & Learn space is a child-friendly and comfortable learning area that promotes school readiness and offers a free book to customers. The Read, Play & Learn space was born from collaborative efforts of LaundryCares Foundation and Too Small to Fail, who joined forces to create the Laundry Literacy Coalition, focused on supporting early language development in young children.

Other activities included face painting, balloon art, glitter tattoos and story time with a local librarian.

Pink Possible Results 2019

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center donates $2,235 to Pink Possible Breast Health Fund

Oshkosh, Wis. — Oshkosh Express Laundry Center (Oshkosh Express) recently presented a $2,235 check to Aurora Health Care Foundation’s Oshkosh Pink Possible (Pink Possible) Breast Health Fund. The Pink Possible campaign, held throughout October each year, engages local businesses to raise money for Aurora Cancer Care breast cancer patients and their families.

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center donated the proceeds of Pink Possible shopping bags and 5 percent of October sales to the cause, according to Manager Kristi Williams. “We feel it’s important to contribute to Pink Possible because so many members of our community suffer from breast cancer each year,” she said. “Over the past four years, Oshkosh Express Pink Possible donations have totalled more than $8,000.”

In 2018, Pink Possible raised $25,000 throughout Wisconsin to support breast cancer patient education, prevention, patient experience, research and survivorship programming, according to Foundation Coordinator Molly Yatso-Butz, Aurora Health Care Foundation, North Region. “The money raised in 2019 will be used for a new breast cancer support group that begins in January 2020, as well as wigs and massages for cancer patients,” said Yatso-Butz. “We are so fortunate to have Oshkosh Express contributing to Pink Possible.”

To discover more about Pink Possible, visit www.aurorahealthcarefoundation.org/campaigns/pink-possible. For more information about Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, visit www.oshkoshexpresslaundry.com or call 920-230-6762.

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center offers customers a self-serve 60-minute wash/dry/fold, as well as full-service conveniences including Wash-Dry-Fold and drop-off drycleaning. The fully attended laundry also offers free WIFI, flat-screen televisions, lounge areas, children’s reading center, and large 8- to 12-load washers. A convenient drive-up door allows customers to quickly unload and pick-up laundry and drycleaning without leaving their cars.

New Reading and Learning Space

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center adds children’s reading and learning space; plus new enhancements

Oshkosh, Wis. — Oshkosh Express Laundry Center (Oshkosh Express) is encouraging children to take home a free book as part of a nationwide movement to bring learning to local public laundries The laundry recently debuted a new reading and learning area for children — a Read, Play, Learn (RPL) space — aimed at improving childhood literacy and brain development in pre-K children.

The RPL is among several recent enhancements to the laundry, according to Manager Kristi Williams. Other improvements include new paint and signage; a new bank of 2.5- and 3.5-load LG high-speed commercial washers; and an automated chemical dispensing system, Express Clean™, which is connected to the store’s largest, 12-load washer. All are in place for greater customer convenience, according to Williams.

“By giving free books to customers’ children and providing an educational space for them to learn, tell stories and interact with their parents, Oshkosh Express is helping strengthen childhood literacy,” said Williams.

According to The Clinton Foundation’s Too Small to Fail initiative, a leading public awareness and action campaign that promotes the importance of early brain and language development, almost 60 percent of American children start kindergarten underprepared. Moreover, about 80 percent of brain development occurs before the age of 5, which sets the stage for future success and learning. These statistics spearheaded a number of non-profit organizations, including Too Small to Fail and LaundryCares, to collaborate and form the Laundry Literacy Coalition. The Laundry Literacy Coalition – with the idea of bringing literacy to the public library — created RPL kits, like the one at Oshkosh Express, for laundries to purchase.

“The kids and their caregivers love the interactive space and are surprised and elated when we urge them to take a book home with them,” said Williams. “We replenish the books each month and hope to eventually partner with local organizations to offer scheduled story times.”

The RPL was added at the same time Oshkosh Express installed several new 2-, 2.5- and 3.5-load LG machines and an Express Clean automatic chemical dispensing system.  Like the other equipment at the laundry, the LGs produce high-extract speeds, reduce drying time and ensure customers can complete laundry — wash, dry and fold it — in less than 60 minutes. Now Oshkosh Express features 2.5-, 3.5-, 5-, 6-, 8- and 12-load washers, along with complementing dryers, for self-service customers.

Connected to the laundry’s 12-load washer, the new Express Clean system automatically dispenses lightly scented detergent, softener and bleach into the washer at perfect time, water level and temperature. Encased in a clear, plexiglass case so customers can see it operating, Express Clean eliminates the need for manual loading of detergents. “It makes it easier for customers because they do not need to lug and load detergent when using our 12-load washer,” said Williams. “It’s an efficient way to wash family sized loads, sleeping bags, comforters, quilts and bulky items. Our customers love seeing the system light up as it works.”

Committed to customer service and convenience, Oshkosh Express is a continually improved  high-speed laundry offering free WIFI, comfortable seating, flat-screen televisions, vending machines, convenient drive-up door, full-service wash/dry/fold and drop-off dry cleaning. Now it’s also a place where children can read, interact and learn on laundry day.

For more information about Oshkosh Express — open 8 a.m.-10 p.m. daily — visit www.expresslaundrycenter.com or call 920-303-6762. To find out more about the Laundry Literacy Coalition, visit https://laundrycares.org/laundry-literacy-coalition/.



The Express Laundry Center is looking for enthusiastic and motivated individuals to fill part-time openings on nights and weekends as Laundry Service Associates. These positions will focus on customer service, laundry care and facility maintenance. Qualifications required: excellent people and customer service skills, basic cash handling, and good laundry and cleaning skills. This position may require moderate lifting.

Interested parties please apply in person at:
The Express Laundry Center
1571 West South Park Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54902

Or email resumes to:

Pink Possible Results 2018


November 2018 — Oshkosh Express Laundry Center recently presented a $2,417 check to Aurora Health Care Foundation’s Oshkosh Pink Possible (Pink Possible) Breast Health Fund. The Pink Possible campaign, held throughout October each year, engages local businesses to raise money for Aurora Cancer Care breast cancer patients and their families.

This year, Oshkosh Express Laundry Center was the leading contributor to the cause, according to Foundation Coordinator Molly Yatso-Butz, Aurora Health Care Foundation, North Region. “Money raised through Pink Possible will support breast cancer patients by purchasing massage therapy sessions and wigs during their breast cancer journey,” she said.

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center donated the proceeds of Pink Possible shopping bags and 5 percent of October sales to the cause, according to Manager Karen Cooley.

“We are pleased to once again be involved in raising money for Pink Possible,” said Cooley. “In our three years of involvement, we’ve raised more than $6,000. We hope once again that our contribution will positively impact the lives of many in the Fox Valley area. We love being involved in, and partnering with local organizations,” she added. “Community matters to us and we are glad to be part of this community.”

Last year, Pink Possible raised $65,000 throughout Wisconsin to support breast cancer patient education, prevention, patient experience, research and survivorship programming.

In the Oshkosh and Fond du Lac areas, a variety of businesses participated in Pink Possible, including Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, and helped raise more than $5,500.

To discover more about Pink Possible, click here.

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center offers customers a 60-minute wash/dry/fold, as well as full-service conveniences including Wash-Dry-Fold, Load & Leave and drop-off drycleaning. The fully attended laundry also offers free WIFI, flat-screen televisions, lounge areas and big washers that can handle up to 12 laundry loads at a time. A convenient drive-up door allows customers to quickly unload and pick-up laundry and drycleaning without leaving their cars.

Pink Possible 2018


October 2018 — For the third consecutive year, Oshkosh Express Laundry Center will donate 5 percent of October sales to the Aurora Health Care Foundation’s Oshkosh Pink Possible (Pink Possible) Breast Health Fund. The Pink Possible campaign, held throughout October each year, engages local businesses to raise money for Aurora Cancer Care breast cancer patients and their families.

“Last year, Oshkosh Express Laundry Center donated $2,000 to Pink Possible,” said Manager Karen Cooley. “We hope to surpass that this year.” In addition to contributing a percentage of October revenue, Oshkosh Express Laundry Center is collecting Pink Possible donations. “Contributors of $2 or more will receive a complementary Pink Possible shopping bag,” she added.

Last year, Pink Possible raised $64,000 throughout Wisconsin to support breast cancer patient education, prevention, patient experience, research and survivorship programming. In 2017, the dollars raised were used to provide wigs and 30 minute massages to new cancer patients, as well as to remodel the  Breast Health Center, according to Molly Yatso-Butz, Aurora Health Care Foundation development coordinator.

To discover more about Pink Possible, visit www.aurorahealthcarefoundation.org/campaigns/pink-possible. For more information about Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, visit www.oshkoshexpresslaundry.com or call 920-230-6762.

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center offers customers a 60-minute wash/dry/fold, as well as full-service conveniences including Wash-Dry-Fold, Load & Leave and drop-off drycleaning. The fully attended laundry also offers free WIFI, flat-screen televisions, lounge areas and big washers that can handle up to 12 laundry loads at a time. A convenient drive-up door allows customers to quickly unload and pick-up laundry and drycleaning without leaving their cars.

Pink Possible Results 2017


November 2017 — Oshkosh Express Laundry Center recently presented a $2,019 check to Aurora Health Care Foundation’s Oshkosh Pink Possible (Pink Possible) Breast Health Fund. Pink Possible, held throughout October each year, engages local businesses to raise money for Aurora Cancer Care breast cancer patients and their families.

For the second consecutive year, the laundry donated 5 percent of October sales to Pink Possible. Additionally, Oshkosh Express Laundry Center hosted a brat fry and sold “Wash Reds with Whites” t-shirts to help fund free laundry services. “We donated 29 laundry cards, which will be distributed to area cancer patients,” said Assistant Manager Rebekah Peterson. Each card, valued at more than $18, is redeemable for full-service wash/dry/fold for up to 20 pounds of laundry.

“The benefits of giving go far beyond the giver or receiver,” said Aurora Health Care Foundation Development Coordinator Molly Butz. “It brings people together by making them aware of the struggles that exist in the community. Express Laundry Center provided considerable financial support to help us offer services to cancer patients going through treatment.”

“In 2017, the American Cancer Society expects more than 250,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer to be diagnosed in women,” added Peterson. “We wanted to help make a difference in the lives of these cancer patients by participating in Pink Possible.”

Last year, Pink Possible raised $64,000 throughout Wisconsin to support breast cancer patient education, prevention, patient experience, research and survivorship programming.

In the Oshkosh and Fond du Lac areas, many businesses participated in Pink Possible, including Oshkosh Express Laundry Center. “We’d like to thank Steinert Printing Company for printing our posters and for participation in our brat fry; Red’s Pizza for their $25 gift card donation and participation in our brat fry; and Pick ’n Save for giving us a discount on food,” added Peterson.

Put to good use, Pink Possible will help fund breast cancer patient services such as massage therapy, yoga, aromatherapy, wigs and prosthetics.

To discover more about Pink Possible, click here. For more information about Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, click here or call 920-230-6762.
Oshkosh Express Laundry Center offers customers a 60-minute wash/dry/fold, as well as full-service conveniences including Drop & Shop, Load & Leave and drop-off drycleaning. The fully attended laundry also offers free WIFI, flat-screen televisions, lounge areas and big washers that can handle up to 12 laundry loads at a time. A convenient drive-up door allows customers to quickly unload and pick-up laundry and drycleaning without leaving their cars.

Pink Possible 2017


Oshkosh Express Laundry Center will host a brat fry — from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 18 — to benefit cancer patients through Aurora Health Care Foundation’s Oshkosh Pink Possible (Pink Possible) Breast Health Fund. The Pink Possible campaign, held throughout October each year, engages local businesses to raise money for Aurora Cancer Care breast cancer patients and their families.

Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, which raised $1,860 for the cause in 2016, will again donate 5 percent of October sales in 2017. Brat fry proceeds will specifically fund free laundry service cards for area cancer patients, according to Manager Karen Cooley. “The laundry cards will be distributed to cancer patients,” she said. “Each card is redeemable for full-service wash/dry/fold for up to 20 pounds of laundry.”

To complement the campaign, Oshkosh Express Laundry Center is selling “Wash Reds with Whites” t-shirts and launching social media contests.

“We are thrilled to be part of such a fantastic campaign and grateful to our customers for their support and business,” said Cooley.

Last year, Pink Possible raised $53,000 throughout Wisconsin to support breast cancer patient education, prevention, patient experience, research and survivorship programming.

To discover more about Pink Possible, or donate, visit www.aurorahealthcarefoundation.org/campaigns/pink-possible. For more information about Oshkosh Express Laundry Center, visit www.oshkoshexpresslaundry.com or call 920-230-6762.
